Dear Colleagues,

In the recent years, it is highly noticeable through the several symposia, workshops and scientific meetings held in the area of ferroelectrics that the field of ferroelectrics has touched and crossed over the boundaries of several interdisciplinary fields and it has made its impact in various ways. Historically, the prime meeting in the area of ferroelectrics, “International Meeting on Ferroelectricity - IMF” series, has always seeded some new forward looking scientific concepts those emerging from the basic ferroelectric science and delivered thoseto the community in the areas of basic solid state science, electrical engineering, materials science and several cross-coupled areas such as bio-physics, clean energy harvesting and technology a few examples. The ferroelectric community with their active participation in such series of meetings has been emphasizing that the FIELD OF FERROELECTRICS is of great scientific importance and that IMF is a great event for the communication and high-lighting the latest developments in the field for the scientific community.

The field of ferroelectrics as well as the related phenomena and the novel electronic materials development which brought out the new cross-coupled effects like multiferroics, bioferroics and so on to the scientific community is the beginning to integrate with the emerging science of the new era around the globe. Somehow, due to the various factors it is realized that an special attention needed to accelerate such communications to the scientific community in the developing countries of Americas. To facilitate and to accelerate our goals we proposed to bring together the representatives from several Central and South American countries working in the areas of ferroelectrics and related materials research. With these goals in mind , at the time of IMF2017, San Antonio, Texas, USA, a special society of Ferroelectrics was formally formed including some active and the suggested representatives from the countries of Americas as the members of the board to conduct a series of meetings “Ferroelectric Meeting of Americas - FMAs”, on an agreeable time frequency so that the researchers in this field can communicate, interact with each other and develop a co-operative and collaborative research programs in the Americas and with other interested international partners in this research field. We contacted some suggested representative person(s) as main points of contact or Champions from each of the countries of Americas and collectively identified them as the FMAs-Board.( More representatives on the Board would be added as the need arises in the future).

In order to move forward, the initial Board meeting was held at the time of “International Meeting on Ferroelectricity - IMF-2017” in September 2017 at San Antonio, Texas, USA, and we symbolized it as the first joint FMAs-1 Advisory Board Meeting and the International Meeting of Ferroelectrics - IMF-2017. In this context we included the ferroics related research activities from the Americas and aimed to stimulate the research environment of ferroics related collaborative research at various universities and institutes from the participating countries of Americas. The countries which responded on suitable time frame of the IMF2017, their representatives are identified as part of the FMA-Board. More representatives will be added on the list as we get a definite response from them and we keep going forward with our mission.

The formal announcement of this newly emerging series of FMAs has been made at the time of IMF2017. We encourage the ferroelectric community members to give a broader publicity to this exciting news in their respective countries and we may enrich and enhance our next targeted FMAs in the near future.

Amar Bhalla,
General Chair
FMAs Board



The Ferroelectric Meeting of Americas provide a platform to bring together researchers from academia, industry, and government laboratories to share their knowledge in the field and to present the development of novel applications of ferroelectricity in various interdisciplinary & cross-coupled research areas.

The peer reviewed and accepted papers presented at the meeting will be published in the special volume of International Journal of Ferroelectrics.

Submit your paper here: Paper Submission

The Second Ferroelectric Meeting of Americas will be held jointly with the First Pan American Ceramics Congress, from 19th – 23th July, 2020, at the Panama City, Panama.
FMAs2 site

The Pan American Ceramics Congress brings together a wide variety of experts from academia, industries, research institutes, and laboratories to discuss current state-of-the-art and various technical challenges in research, development, engineering, manufacturing, and application of ceramic and glass materials. The Congress will provide a collegial forum for information exchange on current status and emerging trends in various technologies in the American continent (South and Central America, Canada, and the United States).


BOARD MEMBERS [back to the top]

FMA General Board Members:
Still TBD. General Board Members for the Ferroelectric Meeting of Americas will be decided during the Panama meeting (see FMAs2 site).The following names are suggestions:

Argentina: : Marcelo Stachiotti, UNR
Brazil: J. Eiras, UFSCar; Ducinei Garcia, UFSCar; Ivair Santos, UEM; Luiz Cotica, UEM
Canada: (TBD)
Chile: (TBD)
Colombia: (TBD)
Costa Rica: Jose Saavedras Arias, UNA
Cuba: José de Los Santos Guerra,(Cuba/Brazil), Aime Barranco, UH
Ecuador: (TBD)
Mexico: Carmen Cisneros, UNAM, Jesus Siqueiros B. UNAM
Peru: Hector Loro, UNI
Paraguay: Juan Francisco Facetti, UNI
Puerto Rico: Ram Katiyar, University of Puerto Rico
Panama: Eleiser Ching Prado, UTP
United States: Amar Bhalla, UTSA; Ruyan Guo, UTSA; Avadh Saxena, LANL; Steven Tidrow, Alfred University


MEETINGS [back to the top]

The Second Ferroelectric Meeting of Americas will be held jointly with the First Pan American Ceramics Congress, from 19th – 23th July, 2020, at the Panama City, Panama.
FMAs2 site

The Pan American Ceramics Congress and Ferroelectric Meeting of Americas- PACC-FMAs, July 19-23 at Panama City, Panana.
PACC-FMAs site

International Meeting on Ferroelectricity - IMF-2017, September 2017 at San Antonio, Texas, USA.
IMF2017 site


CONTACT [back to the top]

For further information, please, use the following contact addresses:


✆ +01 (210) 458-6268 (Professor Bhalla's Office)

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